

Requests for Township Records will be handled by the township clerk. Please contact township clerk of record for more details and to coordinate obtaining the records you need. There are fees associated with copies of records and research time as follows: 1. $20.00 per hour clerk research with 0.25 per copy. Information Request Form.pdf

Turtle Lake Township Fee Schedule

Building Permit Primary Structure $133.00
Building Permit Accessory Structure $75.00
Building Permit Minor Modification $75.00
Major Subdivision/CIC/PUD* $1,125.00
Minor Subdivision Administrative $90.00
Minor Subdivision Plat** $955.00
Driveway/Road Access Permit $90.00
Variance $420.00
Conditional Use Permit $415.00
Environmental Assessment Worksheet $825.00
Ordinance Amendment $145.00
Special Meeting Fee $600.00
Division/Line Adjustment Within Shoreland $50.00

*CIC/PUD Common Interest Community/Planned Unit Development Additional Costs may be added to the fees.
**Zoning Administrator may adjust for Board Site Visit as needed.