Land Use

Zoning Committee Meetings

Turtle Lake Township holds Board of Adjustment and Planning Advisory Commission meetings on the third Thursday of every month…only AS NEEDED.

These meetings, when held, will be at the Turtle Lake Town Hall, located at 19143 Lake Julia Drive NW, across from the Buena Vista Ski Area.

Agendas for upcoming meetings will continue to be posted (If a meeting is scheduled) at the town hall and at Lakes Market.

Zoning Information

In 2012, Turtle Lake Township adopted a Comprehensive Long Range Development Plan and a Zoning/Subdivision Ordinance for non-shoreland areas (the township ordinance does not apply to any property controlled under the Beltrami County Shoreland Ordinance). The Plan and Ordinance provides wise and orderly development to ensure, promote and protect the health, safety and general welfare of the Township property owners.

The Comprehensive Plan contains development goals and objectives. The Zoning Ordinance establishes land use zoning districts, regulates certain land uses and structures, requires building and land use permits, conserves historic and natural areas, establishes requirements for the subdivision and platting of land, and provides penalties for violations.

Cooperation with Other Agencies
Turtle Lake Township cooperates with Beltrami County regarding road, shoreland, wetland and septic system requirements. The Beltrami Soil and Water District may also assist with environmental issues. The State of Minnesota enforces many relevant rules regarding wells, public waters and pollution control. The Township supports the activities of the Turtle River Watershed Association.

Township Board
The Turtle Lake Township Board is made up of five elected individuals from the Township. The Board is responsible for all Township business including the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning/Subdivision Ordinance. They decide on zoning zoning districts, zone changes, conditional use permits and platted subdivision, along with other zoning issues.

Planning Advisory Commission
The Township Planning Commission is made up of five members appointed by the Township Board and is responsible for advising the Board on most zoning and subdivision issues including long range planning and any other zoning issues the Board may assign to the PAC for research or opinions.

Board of Adjustments
The Board of Adjustments is made up of five members appointed by the Board to hold public hearings and decide on variances to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. This Board is quasi-judicial and is independent of the Township Board.

The Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance is administered by a Board appointed Zoning Administrator who will process variance, substandard, conditional use applications, subdivision applications, perform site inspections, issue building permits, prepare for public hearings and any other duties delineated in the Zoning Ordinance or assigned by the Township Board.

Township Clerk
The Township Clerk is an employee of the Township and may send out public notice on various zoning and subdivision activities.

Zoning Fee Schedule
A number of activities within the Zoning Ordinance require fees, including building permits, variances, conditional uses, etc.

More Information…
A brochure containing the above information or a full copy of the Ordinance, Land Use Plan, fees and zoning maps, can be obtained by contacting the clerk or Zoning Administrator.